More Equipment, More Amenities & Less Social Distancing

friends high fiving at gymXSport Fitness is happy to provide more of what our members want as restrictions are lifted!

The state of Illinois will be lifting social distancing requirements on Friday, June 11th. Virginia lifted their restrictions on Saturday, May 28th.  New York will be following suit very soon as they are very close to meeting their reopening metrics. 

What does this mean for XSport Members?

In Virginia and Illinois, as of Friday, June 11th, XSport Fitness can welcome all members and guests at the full capacity of the gyms!  All equipment will be available for use, with no pieces disabled for social distancing.  We do request that you continue to respect personal space and social distance, when possible. Additional amenities that were previously closed such as the steam rooms, saunas and hot tubs, available at many locations, will be open to our members.  All lockers and showers will also be open for use and water fountains will be turned back on.

We hope to offer these amenities in New York very soon!

woman in saunaWhat about the masks?

All fully vaccinated individuals are welcome to enter any of the gym locations and work out without a mask.  Those who are not yet fully vaccinated should continue to wear their masks in the gym in Illinois and Virginia and must do so in New York.  Anyone who prefers to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status is welcome to do so.

What have we learned?

The support of the XSport family of members and employees has gotten us through a very trying year.  We are so grateful for each and every one of our hard working employees and loyal members for sticking with XSport and helping us stay STRONG, HEALTHY & RESILIENT.

As part of this, we have upped our cleaning game!  Not only did we establish a relationship with a national cleaning chain to maintain the cleanliness of our gyms at a higher level than ever before, but our members have really pitched in with wiping down equipment before and after use.  Together, we can continue these efforts and enjoy a sanitized and healthy gym to reach our fitness goals!

All of the XSport locations are open 24/7|365 and we hope to see all of our members return soon!