Need a Gentle Start at the Gym? Try These Ideas.

woman on elipticalMost of us were once beginners at the gym, new to fitness and in need of a guidance. But you might need an even softer start after a setback like illness, injury or other health challenge.

Whether you’re returning from a major surgery, an illness, or simply find yourself very unfit after years of weight gain, there are plenty of benefits to be gained from exercise. And there are some very good reasons for you to take it slow and exercise with care.

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Getting Great Arms – Strong & Sculpted

woman doing bicep curlsIn this warm and wonderful season of summer, we all get to dress a little lighter—now that it’s time to don tank tops and shorts sleeves, how do you feel about the extra exposure?

Of all your upper body highlights, it’s hard to beat the appeal of strong and sculpted arms. Focus on your biceps and triceps this summer with these super effective moves.

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Lean, Strong & Stable: Train like a Water Sport Athlete

woman stretchingIf you’ve ever watched the Olympic Games, you might have noticed the endurance, flow and incredible muscular definition of swimmers, rowers, divers and other water sports elite.

Not to mention the water skiers and the surfers you see on vacation, so balanced and strong… Good news, you can build your skills and your physique with training fit for a summer athlete.

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How Showing You Care Can Keep You Well

one person giving another a hand upWe know our emotions have an effect on our overall wellness. Studies have shown that high levels of stress or feelings of satisfaction correspond with health and fitness status.

But you might be surprised to learn how expressions of love, care and concern, can be directly linked with our bodies’ physical reactions. It seems we get a lot from giving.

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How to Use Tempo to Improve Your Results

people running on treadmillsDid you ever wonder if you should be moving quicker through your lower body exercises as you get stronger? Or how long you should hold a yoga pose when you’re new to it?

Slowing down, speeding up, holding, stopping and starting—these variations in tempo can help you progress your workouts at just the right pace to improve your results.

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Top Tips for Working on Muscle & Strength Imbalances

woman doing bicep curlsBecause the body isn’t perfectly symmetrical, we all have strength imbalances to some extent. Strong and weak sides are natural, while injuries and habits can accentuate them even more.

You have a dominant leg and arm, and you might have certain muscles that simply respond better. Here are some tips for bringing up your smaller side or your weaker muscle groups.

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